Salomon Sonofa Gunofa Run

Salomon Sonofa Gunofa Run Five Islands Provincial Park, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Salomon Sonofa Gunofa Run is an unique event. Starting at 9am, everyone has 1 hour to complete the 5.8k loop. If you finish loop 1 before 10am, you get to sit, socialize, and rest until the next loop starts at 10am. This continues every hour until only one runner can complete the loop under 1 hour. If you are over 1 hour for a loop, your race is done...but if you're still running on Sunday, the bell lap will…

Stride Inside Track Race

Stride Inside Track Race Royal Distributing Athletic Performance, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

The Strides Inside Track Race takes place on a 215m track and gives runners a chance to escape the frigid temperaturs and poor running conditions of January in Southern Ontario. The track is a beautiful, 4 lane rubberized track. Register for 1 hour, 3 hours, or 6 hours and then run as many laps as you can in that time.  The directions switches every 90 minutes. Fee(s) $50-90 Charity Women's Shelters Canada

Stride Inside

Stride Inside Guelph, Ontario, Canada

The Stride Inside is a timed based event on a professional indoor track.  This event is family friendly and encourages both walkers and runners to take part.  There will be music and food available to participants along with product and gear representatives. Fee(s) registration details to be announced Charity Women's Shelters Canada,